"Are there no Christians here?”
over 1 year ago
– Wed, Nov 01, 2023 at 02:03:40 AM
When a traveller came to Liddesdale, he noticed the area had many fortified towers and bastle houses but an apparent lack of churches.
He asked the locals "Are there no Christians here?” he asked, and received the reply: “Na, we's a' Elliots and Armstrangs."
When you read about the Reivers it's very clear that church and religion wasn't a major factor in their life. They showed this with their continued reiving of the Bishop of Glasgow's lands and giving the “MONITION OF CURSING” on them.
"I curse their head and all the hairs of that head;
I curse their face, their eye, their mouth, their nose, their tongue, their teeth, their chin, their shoulders, their breast, their heart, their stomach, their back, their belly, their arms, their legs, their hands, their feet, and every such like part of their body frae the top of their head to the soles of their feet, before and behind, within and without."
Our Minister figure is free to all who pledge for the "All New Miniatures" level. He will also be available to purchase in the pledge manager for anyone looking to pick him. He will be great for defending his Church or Flock against the godless border reivers.
March Warden & his men
over 1 year ago
– Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 09:15:16 AM
Over the next few days, I will be posting some updates on the figures and how they fit into the game.
March Warden & his men
No border reivers game is going to be complete without a March Warden. The Monarch appointed the Warden to instil law and order within their appointed March.
The Warden and his men can be added to a family as special characters. Each character will come with their dark blue special character profile card and several special abilities that they are automatically assigned.
So, if you are a gamer who loves to bring law and order to the Reivers then these are the characters for you.
When the campaign book is released, they will feature a lot within that game. I also hope to get a few new scenarios added to the website that will give a story for the Warden to play in the game.